Technology “Smart Eye”, A Computer Inside Our Eyes One of the long-held desires of human beings is to save the view of wonderful… April 29, 2020 user Love0
Technology Why DDR5 is the Industry’s Powerful Next-gen Memory? At SK hynix, we know how rapidly technology shifts and evolves, and how important it… April 2, 2020 user Love0
Technology Never Work Out Alone! – Interactive Digital Fitness at Home Semiconductors are a drive engine to the future requirements and applications of the technology industry.… March 19, 2020 user Love0
Technology “Cloud Gaming” – Play Your Game Anytime, Anywhere! Some moments truly test gamers’ patience. The moments when an update notification pops up on… February 5, 2020 user Love0
Technology Virtual Reality in Glasses As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I put on my glasses… December 5, 2019 user Love0
Technology Smart Cloud and CIS Technology This is a brief summary of Dr. Hong’s keynote speech at Smart CloudShow in December… November 22, 2019 user Love0
Technology Neuromorphic Chips, the Key to Future Semiconductor Technologies With the arrival of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the semiconductor industry is paying close attention… November 14, 2019 user Love0
Technology HBM2E Opens the Era of Ultra-Speed Memory Semiconductors In his 1999 book, ‘Business @ the Speed of Thought,’ Bill Gates described a ‘Digital… October 25, 2019 user Love1
Technology New Era of CMOS Image Sensors… From Multi Camera to AI The new era of the CMOS Image Sensor (CIS), the so-called ‘eye’ for smartphones, has… October 11, 2019 user Love1