Technology Definition of Semiconductors When an object called “semiconductor” is defined, it is usually interpreted literally. As a word… April 23, 2021 user Love0
Culture & People Semiconductor Portal “DBL Square”, Developed by SK hynix and Partners One of the most important keywords in the recent semiconductor industry is “mutual growth”, which… September 10, 2020 user Love0
Business SK hynix Presents a Memory-centric World at SEDEX 2019 With the commercialization of 5G and groundbreaking technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet… October 31, 2019 user Love0
Press Release A Special Purpose Company Submits an Investment Letter of Intent for a Semiconductor Cluster to Yongin Seoul, Feb 21, 2019 Yongin General Industrial Complex Inc., a special purpose company (SPC) created… February 21, 2019 user Love0
Press Release SK hynix Inc. to Construct a New Semiconductor Fabrication Plant in Icheon - Investment to prepare for increasing memory demand and new equipment - Put in 3.5… July 27, 2018 user Love0
Press Release SK hynix Declared its Taking off for ‘World’s Best Semiconductor Company’ - Introduces a new name ‘SK hynix’ & Corporate Identity Seoul, March 26, 2012 As… March 26, 2012 user Love0
Press Release hynix Semiconductor Inc. Completed Construction of 300mm Fabrication Plant of 3rd Factory in Cheongju Cheongju, Korea — August 28th, 2008 hynix Semiconductor Inc. (“hynix”, “the Company”, announced the… August 28, 2008 user Love0
Press Release hynix Semiconductor Inc. Announces Closure of Eugene Fabrication Plant Seoul, July 24, 2008 Because of short-and long-term market conditions, which include a steep reduction… July 24, 2008 user Love0
Press Release hynix Semiconductor Inc. Reports the Results for the Fourth Quarter of FY2007 Seoul, February 1, 2008 hynix Semiconductor Inc. (‘hynix’, ‘the Company’, today announced the earnings… February 1, 2008 user Love0
Press Release hynix Semiconductor Inc. Successfully Offers Global Convertible Notes Seoul, December 11th, 2007 hynix Semiconductor Inc. (‘hynix’, announced that it has successfully offered… December 11, 2007 user Love0