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Leadership Spotlight: Deoksin Kil, Head of Material Development, On Achieving Tech Innovation Through Advanced Materials

By March 13, 2024 June 24th, 2024 No Comments

Leadership Spotlight: Deoksin Kil, Head of Material Development, On Achieving Tech Innovation Through Advanced Materials

At the end of 2023, SK hynix promoted Head of Material Development Deoksin Kil to principal research fellow1 of the newly established Infra Tech Center (ITC).

1Research fellow: SK hynix executives with outstanding technical capabilities who focus on researching innovative technologies.

Kil’s department focuses on semiconductor materials, which are recently playing an integral role in the overall process of developing and manufacturing products. Not only are they key to technological innovations, but these materials are also crucial for improving cost competitiveness and lowering carbon emissions.

Since joining the company in 1999, Kil has been on a journey to revolutionize materials and thereby strengthen SK hynix’s competitiveness in this field. In 2023, he received the SUPEX Award2 for his contribution to localizing extreme ultraviolet photoresist (EUV PR)3, a material which was previously only imported from overseas. Having led the company’s material development with a high level of expertise, Kil is expected to develop new technologies that will boost cost competitiveness while proactively identifying material-related risks.

2SUPEX Award: As the most prestigious award within the SK Group that carries the meaning “super excellent,” it recognizes members who have succeeded in reaching innovation by not being afraid to take on new challenges.
3Extreme ultraviolet photoresist (EUV PR): A key material that engraves circuit shapes on wafers during the photolithography process.

As part of the newsroom’s interview series that shines a light on SK hynix executives, Kil discussed the future role of materials in the semiconductor industry and his vision to achieve technological innovations.

Targeting Collective Innovation Based on Materials

Kil expects that integrated R&D will be crucial to strengthening the competitiveness of materials

Kil expects that integrated R&D will be crucial to strengthening the competitiveness of materials


“I am very pleased and proud to be recognized for my expertise and competence in semiconductor materials,” Kil said. “At the same time, I also feel a heavy weight on my shoulders as I am tasked with leading the materials field to bring about even greater innovations. I will therefore focus on continuously developing new materials at the ITC to ensure that our Material Development department becomes an integral part of creating synergies between advanced and mass-production technologies.”

In addition to developing new technologies, Kil’s department is tasked with supporting and managing the overall R&D process by leading the development of materials used in the manufacturing process.

Kil highlights how material innovations lead to advancements in semiconductor technology

Kil highlights how material innovations lead to advancements in semiconductor technology


Subsequently, he went on to emphasize the goal of innovation driven by materials.

“In the past, materials played a secondary role in improving the characteristics of processes. But in recent years, innovations in materials have directly led to improvements in the unit per hour (UPH)—the amount of products manufactured per hour on a production line—and have modified the concept of processes, resulting in a reduction in investment costs,” Kil explained. “These innovations have consequently improved the productivity and cost competitiveness of DRAM and NAND flash products. With these technical capabilities, it is our goal to achieve integrated innovations driven by materials.”

Building a Stable Semiconductor Materials Ecosystem, Minimizing Materials Risk

Taking past experiences as lessons, Kil stresses the importance of being prepared for the worst case in terms of materials risks

Taking past experiences as lessons, Kil stresses the importance of being prepared for the worst case in terms of materials risks


Looking back at his career, Kil picked the successful localization of EUV PR in 2023 as one of his most significant feats. “The Korean semiconductor industry used to rely solely on internationally imported materials, but restrictions to these imports in 2019 significantly impacted our sector,” he recalled. “Fortunately enough, SK hynix’s quick response to the issue ensured we eventually benefitted from the situation in the end.”

As part of this response, Kil has worked with SK Materials Performance since 2021 to develop EUV PR—an essential material for the semiconductor process. As a result, SK hynix succeeded in localizing EUV PR and contributed to the normalization of material supply and demand. “This experience has enabled us to become confident in our current endeavors to develop new materials,” he said.

Based on the lessons learned from the 2019 incident, SK hynix established the Material Risk Index (mRI). Through this index, the risk level of different categories of materials began to be calculated and managed separately so that any potential crises could be handled effectively. Additionally, Kil is also operating a mutual benefit consultative group for high-risk materials with partners.

“Semiconductor materials have a decisive impact not only on technology implementation but also on mass-production processes like equipment operations,” Kil stressed. “By continuing to closely monitor important affairs such as geopolitics and international regulations, we will reduce uncertainty and build a stable ecosystem of semiconductor materials.”

Expanding Role of Materials to Spark Renaissance in 2024

Kil hopes SK hynix will become a significant player in developing future materials

Kil hopes SK hynix will become a significant player in developing future materials


Kil predicts that materials will become more important in the future semiconductor market. “In the future, semiconductor materials will be developed not only to improve performance but to also meet standards for low carbon emissions and possess eco-friendly characteristics. Consequently, we are taking part in various efforts to develop new alternative materials,” he said.

Kil pointed out that these newly developed materials will be increasingly applied to existing technologies in 2024.

“We plan to implement practical and differentiated solutions by clearly identifying the needs for each stage of the respective technologies,” he explained. “At a time when our role of material development is growing in importance, we will not stop until we achieve a renaissance in materials development.”

While thanking all of SK hynix’s employees, Kil urged them to continue challenging themselves to test their limits.

“To realize a positive and hopeful future, you must prepare yourself,” he stated. “You get closer to your dreams by facing challenges, gaining experiences, and building skill sets. I hope many of you will be able to achieve your dreams in 2024.”


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