ESG Innovating Under-the-Hood to Reduce Carbon Emissions Around the World There’s a perception in the technology industry that hard-disk drives (HDDs) are being replaced by… February 21, 2022 user Love2
ESG Beyond Clean Energy: Technology Must Help Address Data Center Challenges A generation ago, most companies dedicated space in their buildings to house the many racks… December 10, 2021 user Love1
ESG SK hynix Signs MOU with Microsoft for Study on Biodiversity of Anseongcheon and Training of Digital Green Talent SK hynix announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Microsoft for… October 19, 2021 user Love1
ESG SK hynix Joins the Chess Craze In a continuation of its Wings of Happiness work in Belarus, the SK hynix CSR… September 27, 2021 user Love0
ESG [2021 Sustainability Report] How SK hynix Embraces the ‘Era of Changes’ The ‘era of changes,’ which entails the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerating climate change, and rapidly developing… August 11, 2021 user Love0
ESG The Everyday Heroes of SK hynix: Demonstrating Our Global Commitment to Local CSR A Look At Our Social Contribution Businesses Some of SK hynix’s most notable ventures supporting… July 26, 2021 user Love0
ESG A Gift with Life – Meaning Value Great teachers don’t just teach – they change lives. In SK hynix memory solutions… June 18, 2021 user Love0
ESG Wings of Happiness: Supporting Community and Children in Belarus At SK hynix, we believe that our people – and the communities they are a… June 16, 2021 user Love0
ESG Understanding ESG: from investors’ perspective News on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues is dominating newspapers and TV programs these… May 3, 2021 user Love0