
SK hynix Presents Its “Journey to Decarbonization” at SEMICON West 2024

By July 22, 2024 No Comments

SK hynix underlined its commitment to bolstering sustainability across the semiconductor industry by presenting its “Journey to Decarbonization” plan at SEMICON West 2024 in San Francisco. Held from July 9–11, this annual conference organized by SEMI1 brings together the global electronics supply chain to address the most significant challenges and opportunities in the semiconductor ecosystem. The event attracted more than 10,000 attendees and 640 exhibitors, which showcased technologies that are transforming the microelectronics sector.

SK hynix was invited to speak at the event by the SCC2, an organization under SEMI, to share its efforts in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As an SCC co-founder, SK hynix has actively collaborated with leading industry players to create a sustainable semiconductor value chain and set new heights in green practices.

1Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI): An international industry association consisting of global semiconductor equipment and materials manufacturers which aims to advance industry collaboration and growth.
2Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC): The first global consultative body formed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the semiconductor value chain. Its members include semiconductor companies in the material, component, equipment, and manufacturing fields, including SK hynix, and global ICT companies.

K hynix presented its “Journey to Decarbonization” plan at SEMICON West 2024

SK hynix presented its “Journey to Decarbonization” plan at SEMICON West 2024


The Road to Decarbonization

As demand for high-performance memory rises in line with the growth of advanced technologies such as AI, the semiconductor industry faces the challenge of increasing production while improving its sustainability. In particular, semiconductor companies are focusing on methods to cut GHG emissions.

In a bid to improve company-wide strategies for reducing GHG emissions, SK hynix established its Carbon Management Committee (CMC) in 2022. The committee leads various initiatives such as developing low-power equipment, reducing process gases, and cutting energy consumption. On a broader level, the company collaborates with suppliers and industry players to adapt sustainable practices. The company’s multi-faceted approach to sustainability is set to be crucial as it looks to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 33 emissions.

3Scope 1, 2 and 3: Scope 1 refers to direct emissions generated in the production stage, while Scope 2 describes indirect energy-related emissions generated in the process of making electricity or steam used in the workplace. Scope 3 are indirect emissions which occur in an organization’s value chain.

At SEMICON West 2024, SK hynix’s presentation focused on its efforts to reduce Scope 1 and 3 emissions. Jonghwan Lee of Etch Diffusion Thin Film Water (EDTW) Material Development and Jaehoon Jang of Climate Action took to the stage on the second day of the conference for the talk.

Fostering a Sustainable Semiconductor Ecosystem

During Jang’s part of the presentation, he highlighted SK hynix’s efforts to address Scope 3 emissions through industry collaborations. Working with suppliers and other players, the company develops sustainable technologies and methods across the industry supply chain. As a CDP4 Supply Chain member since 2022, SK hynix encourages its suppliers to disclose environmental data and reports. In 2023, the company ensured that 84% of 114 suppliers shared the requested data as part of the CDP Supply Chain Program. In addition, the company supported suppliers in setting and achieving climate change response goals.

4CDP: Previously known as the Climate Disclosure Project, CDP is a non-profit organization which assists and guides organizations in setting up strategies and implementing sustainable practices.

SK hynix ensures the majority of its suppliers participate in the CDP Supply Chain Program

SK hynix ensures the majority of its suppliers participate in the CDP Supply Chain Program


Jang also touched on SK hynix’s creation of ECO Alliance, a coalition dedicated to reducing GHG emissions in the company’s supply chain. Launched in 2019 with 31 first-tier suppliers, ECO Alliance expanded to include 47 companies by 2023. Some of its main activities include setting joint GHG reduction targets, participating in the aforementioned CDP Supply Chain program, and hosting workshops where members share best practices and meet potential collaborators.

In 2022, SK hynix announced joint targets for ECO Alliance members related to sustainable practices including GHG reduction. As the company provided tailored one-on-one consulting to members, 39 out of the 47 member companies were able to set at least one target aligned with the joint targets in 2023.

Jang shares how SK hynix has become a global leader in fostering sustainable industry practices

Jang shares how SK hynix has become a global leader in fostering sustainable industry practices


Three-Pronged Approach to Cutting Emissions

For his part of the presentation, Lee focused on three of SK hynix’s efforts to reduce its Scope 1 emissions. At semiconductor fabs, high GWP5 process gases account for the majority of Scope 1 emissions so it is vital to optimize them and adopt alternative gases. These two initiatives, along with enhancing scrubber6 treatment efficiency, were the central points of Lee’s talk.

5Global warming potential (GWP): A measure of how much energy the emissions of 1 ton of a gas will absorb over a given period relative to the emissions of 1 ton of carbon dioxide.
6Scrubber: Equipment that filters and treats waste gases generated during the semiconductor manufacturing process.

SK hynix has seen positive results in developing alternative gases by engaging in three-way collaborations with material and equipment partners. In 2023, the company successfully applied alternative gases with a lower GWP to some processes while not compromising product quality. Building on this achievement, the company is currently testing more than 15 alternative gases for future application in processes.

Lee also covered some of SK hynix’s approaches to optimizing process gas usage. The company is enhancing the process time and gas flow rate during the etching process and optimizing the gas used for cleaning equipment during the thin film and diffusion processes. Furthermore, SK hynix has reduced the use of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), a key contributor to the company’s Scope 1 emissions, by optimizing cleaning processes involving the gas. In total, the number of SK hynix’s optimization cases for thin film and diffusion processes have increased 12-fold since 2022, leading to a more than three-fold reduction in GHG emissions over the same period.

SK hynix’s optimization cases for thin film and diffusion processes have risen sharply in recent years

SK hynix’s optimization cases for thin film and diffusion processes have risen sharply in recent years


The presentation also covered SK hynix’s efforts to enhance the efficiency of scrubbers that remove gases and compounds generated during semiconductor processes. The company has set a goal to increase its scrubber treatment efficiency to 95% by 2030, up from 93% recorded in 2023. To achieve this, the company is working on various initiatives such as developing new equipment to reduce scrubbers’ water and power consumption and enabling a single scrubber to treat gases from multiple pieces of equipment.

Overall, the transition to alternative gases, optimization of gas usage, and improvements in scrubber treatment efficiency are projected to help SK hynix realize a 73% reduction in Scope 1 emissions by 2050.

Lee gives an overview of how SK hynix is reducing its Scope 1 emissions

Lee gives an overview of how SK hynix is reducing its Scope 1 emissions


A Greener Industry is Possible Together

At SEMICON West 2024, SK hynix underlined its position as a key driving force behind initiatives which reduce GHG emissions in the semiconductor industry. From the company’s innovative approaches to cut direct emissions to the collaborations for reducing emissions throughout the supply chain, SK hynix is a leading light in the sector’s sustainability efforts. Looking ahead, the company remains committed to developing technologies and collaborating with the semiconductor community as it continues its journey to decarbonization.