Opinion SK hynix Fueling Innovation through Digital Transformation Corporate Competitiveness in the Digital Era Software has swallowed up the world in the 4th… April 29, 2020 user Love0
Technology “Smart Eye”, A Computer Inside Our Eyes One of the long-held desires of human beings is to save the view of wonderful… April 29, 2020 user Love0
ESG [Memory for a Better Life] Explore How Semiconductors Create Better Lives for Humankind To greet the Earth Day, SK hynix is launching a new editorial series titled “Memory… April 22, 2020 user Love0
Culture & People SK hynix’s Creativity Inspires Worldwide Viewers with Sincere Advertisements Over the last few years, SK hynix has become closer to the public through its… April 14, 2020 user Love0
Technology Why DDR5 is the Industry’s Powerful Next-gen Memory? At SK hynix, we know how rapidly technology shifts and evolves, and how important it… April 2, 2020 user Love0
ESG Mutual Growth through Tech Innovation – “Constant Temperature Tech for FAB-to-FAB Logistics” Two years have passed since the SK Group initiated its “Double Bottom Line” (DBL) management… March 26, 2020 user Love0
Culture & People Introducing SK hynix memory solutions Eastern Europe in Belarus * The final version of this video was filmed in February 2020, before the… March 25, 2020 user Love0
Technology Never Work Out Alone! – Interactive Digital Fitness at Home Semiconductors are a drive engine to the future requirements and applications of the technology industry.… March 19, 2020 user Love0
Culture & People International Women’s Day: SK hynix celebrates its female employees At SK hynix, we do technology because we believe that it is the foundation of… March 10, 2020 user Love0
ESG The Semiconductor Academy: SK hynix’s Unique Knowledge-sharing Platform for its Trusted Partners Uncertainty is growing in the semiconductor market amid the rapidly changing global environments. Within the… March 5, 2020 user Love0